quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2008

A Poem by Rosemari and my English Rendereing Thereof

Since this blog, meant to deal with the subjects suggested by the title, is already on, I'll post today a poem originally written in Portuguese by my virtual friend Rosemari. She has also a blog át blogospot. Said poem she wrote reads:

Íntimas asas

Planar sonhos contigo
rasgar céus de tempestades
asas dançantes ao vento
em nuvens arrebatarmos

momentos f l u t u a n t e s
Entrelaçada em tuas asas
Olhar de cima, o chão
Tornar-me beija-flor

Brisa de versos na face
B a i l a n d o em sincronia
Pares róseos a bater
No ar _ Intimidades _

After a brief virtual conversation entertained with her I translated it into English as follows:

Intimate Wings

To glide dreams you and me
Stormy skies then to tear open
Dancing the wings to the Wind
In clouds we can seize, and will

Then moments which go floating
I’m intertwined now in your wings
At ground way down to look
A hummingbird become

Breeze in the face, of verses
In synchrony goes dancing
Ever flapping pinky pairs
In th’ air – Intimacies –

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Okay my dear friend. Glad to see intimate power wings on your blog
Me and my English.
I love it.


João Esteves disse...

Lovely to see your comment here, dear Rosemari, composer of this beautiful poem.