My contact with french is old indeed. My eyes have been fed with much French in print ed words for longer than four decades. This gave me in the long run conditions to express myself well enough in the language.
I've been on the whole self-taught. In the beginning, cheap manuals with indications on how to pronounce more often than not misleading. French songs of the day (most thereof I still like to hear) were not understood for lack of ear trainig, nem the same for the few films I could see.
I have never lived in France (or any French-speaking country), never even been there. Never lived with French people nor even with fluent speakers. Never spoke French on a daily basis for any period of time or kept correspondence. So my writings in French naturally may sound bookish but that just can't be helped. My knowledge of argot is really poor. The literary language is what I know better.
If you view a vocabulary as something built overnight you just won't believe mine. When I read my French-Portuguese dictionary some twenty years ago (while reading i scored at every page the number of existing entries and that of the words I knew, ranging from none to all, accordingly). I knew a little over 61% of them. The balance of vocabulary forgotten and learned over these two decades must be positive, because today I know much more French than I did then.
It's not without difficulties that I write in French today, and the same holds true for Spanish, Italian, English or even Portuguese, my mothertongue. It never will. Many doubts still arise when I communicate in French today, and the same holds true for Spanish, Italian, English or even Portuguese. They always will. I still make many mistakes in French and ... You know.
To keep fit, I need to train. So I just write. Nobody in my acquaitance can be a reader, but there is the blogosphere, always affording incredible interactive possibilities. That's why I starded another blog: En Français Aussi. Pourquoi pas?
If you can read French, welcome to
À bientot
quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2009
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